
  • Oil on Canvas

  • 60 x 48 x 1.5 in

  • 152 x 122 x 4 cm

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During our journey through life we find that there are external forces that are working against us or trying to keep us as slaves to them. Those forces can beat a soul to the ground to the point they want to give up. The forces depicted in Refuge are symbolic and can be replaced with anything you feel as a burden or weight on your shoulders. Let me walk you through my experience and thought process for creating this painting.

This painting came about as a reflection of myself at a certain time in my life where I felt I was burnt out and had too many burdens on my shoulders. Refuge is a testament of my reaction to those forces which is to seek refuge in a greater power being God. In my own personal experience I have always found that even though I walked in very dark places I wasn't alone. And so each time I have found myself without answers I have always fallen to my knees and asked God for guidance. Afterwards I've felt the strength to get back up to keep marching as there is a purpose to be filled through me. Perhaps you're reading this and can relate, you may be at that point where your forces have you bound and this painting gives you a calmness and hope you've been seeking, purpose served.

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